When you hear the word “treasure,” do you think of gold, jewelry, riches? When I hear the word, I think of special things and people in our lives. In this article, I’ll share how treasures can have a big influence on your day-to-day life by bringing you joy.
Treasures don’t have to be handed down from generation to generation. They can be something new, a gift or something you created.
It’s all about the feeling you get from that treasure.
Gramma’s lamp
I often hear from clients who have a special piece from a family member that they don’t know what to do with. Hearing something like this is music to my ears!
The photo above is Linda’s grandmother’s lamp. It’s unique, beautiful and meaningful to her, but she just had it in a corner of her dining room by itself.
I told her it looked lonely and we needed to find its “spot.” Well, the spot we found was just perfect! It was in her bedroom, placed in a corner, in a little reading nook. You should have seen the smile on her face. And I know her Gramma was smiling as well.
Vintage clock
This clock was a gift from a client who was downsizing. He was an avid clock collector. I could tell he was having a hard time knowing he would have to select only his most special clocks to take with them.
He took the time to share some of his favourite memories about them and he was getting quite emotional. He looked at me and said, “Please select a clock that speaks to you.” I knew exactly which clock I was going to choose; I had seen it right away when I came into the room and it definitely spoke to me.
Funnily enough, the one I chose was one of his favourites. He shared the history behind how he had received it. He knew I would take good care of it and, more importantly, appreciate it. It is a valued treasure for me.
Plant shelves
A client was embarrassed to show me her office area. Her love of plants was taking over the room and she didn’t want me to see it. She thought I would tell her to get rid of them all because they were too much or didn’t look “good.”
It couldn’t have been further from the truth. I love the fact that she loves plants. Plants were her treasures.
She had an awesome, creative way to display them and to make sure they all had the sunlight that they needed. Perfect treasures!
Pair of birds
These treasures are mine and are super special. They have been with me for over 25 years. My son bought them for me at a yard sale in Seattle when he was four years old. He brought his own money, negotiated the price and surprised me with them when we got home. It cost him 25 cents for the pair.
They are old, weathered and broken, but when I see them I see the love that I have for my son and that he has for me. It’s funny how objects can evoke such emotion.
Family silver

As the before photo of this kitchen shows, the room was basic and needed an overhaul.
Working with my clients, we designed the kitchen from the ground up, adding in all their wishes. One was to have an upper bank of lighted glass cupboards, where she could display her family’s silver pieces that came from England.
Bernadette enjoys these beautiful treasures every day.
Embroidered artwork
Have you ever had something that you wanted to display but didn’t know how to and it sat in the basement for years waiting for the right moment to bring it out?
This beautiful embroidered piece of artwork was tucked away for over 30 years. Helping a client, we found it and decided it was time to showcase it over the fireplace in the family room.
The colours in the artwork were the inspiration for cushions, a throw and a rug, creating a wonderful new space. The first time she had her family over for dinner, they were all so touched to see their family member’s artwork being showcased.
Dream car
I have dreamt of having a Mustang since I was 16. “One day,” I kept saying. “It will happen.” Until then, family members purchased small versions of the mustang over the years to keep my dream alive. They have always held a place in my home where I saw them every day.
Fast forward to the summer of 2022 and I finally bought my full-sized mustang! Even though I now have my real car, these are still so special.
Kitchen shelving

Many of us have cupboards with glass fronts in our kitchens or dining rooms. The shelves seem to gather stuff just thrown in with no rhyme or reason. I was working with a client who wanted her glass cupboards to really highlight her unique treasures that had been collected over the years.
Step one was to remove everything and place it all on the counter. Then we started grouping things and displaying them. Before you knew it the shelves were taking shape. So many of her treasures had a home and it made her very happy.
I have to admit, I grew up with way too many fancy teacups around the house. I swore that when I moved out, I would never have them in my home.
Well, I lied. I kept about 10 sets over the years and only recently have I unpacked them. I don’t have them on display, but when friends come over, I do pull them out. Each one is unique and a treasure. And, yes, we do feel a bit special drinking from them!
I hope that you are inspired to look at your treasures in a new way. Are yours hidden? Bring them out and enjoy them each day. You will be happy you did.