

Memories and blessings: A perfect combination at home

To me, memories and blessings are intertwined in our lives. You may not think of the two together but, when you really think about it, it does make sense.

So, how do these relate to our homes? As we shift into the holiday season, exploring these two ideas together can give us a new mindset to consider in the months ahead.

Keeping memories without holding on to stuff

It’s amazing how quickly we gather things over the years, and these become part of our memories — memories that are in our hearts and brains, but also taking up physical space in our homes.

These memories are blessings to us at the time: a special gift, card, letter or piece of art or furniture, when received, is so appreciated. We think of the love and care that we have for the person who shared those items with us.

Yet, those same items, years later, might be the cause of stress. Maybe they don’t fit in any longer, but we don’t want to hurt the giver’s feelings by removing them from our home.

Making decisions on what to keep or give away is hard when those decisions have memories — and often so many emotions — attached to them. We may feel overwhelmed and wonder how or where to start going through our possessions, never mind making the decision to keep or give away some of them.

memories and blessings sue pitchforth moving boxes

I am in the midst of moving, so this is exactly what I am going through. It seems appropriate to share some of my thoughts on going through possessions, which might make it easier for you to decide what to keep or give away.

The smile test

Do you love the piece? Be it a piece of art, furniture or accessory, does it make you smile when you look at it? If it doesn’t, then pass it along to someone who would appreciate it.

I use the same technique for old cards, certificates and other documents. I recently went through bins of old things and from three bins I narrowed things down to one small bin. As I looked at each item, I felt the emotions — happy or sad — and then knew it was OK to recycle them. I kept only the things that were extra special to me.

Gifting a little at a time

box of photos moving sue pitchforth

For old photos, I had an idea some time ago that is working well for me and my son. With each celebration and holiday, I gather about 10-15 photos of my son and me over the years. I tie them up with a nice ribbon and give them to him as part of his gift. He loves looking at the photos and is happy that he has them now. When he and his wife have children, he will share these photos with them.

For me, this was an easier way to pass on cherished photos without dropping off boxes and boxes of them all at once.

I do the same thing for Christmas ornaments. I select one or two each Christmas that are special to us and pass them on so that they have ornaments with special meaning on their tree. In effect, I am passing down our traditions when I do this, and it makes me very happy.

child's christmas ornament I'll love you forever sue pitchforth

When it comes to clothing and household items, my driving force is that if I am not wearing it or using it, I donate it. The thought behind this is that it makes me happy to think someone else will be using what I donate. This makes it easier for me to pass things along.

Count your blessings every day, not just at the holidays

It’s common to think of the blessings of our lives during the holidays and at special celebrations. And that is OK. But what if we tuned in to our blessings each day, instead of a few times a year? Just imagine how our lives would change.

We have so much to be thankful for even though, at times, we may not think so. Blessings appear in many ways. They come in the form of special people in our lives, our pets, our health, our home, nature around us, our personal and professional lives, goals and everything in between.

Let’s make a commitment to put blessings in the forefront of our lives. Make a conscious choice to honour and acknowledge all that we are so grateful for.

You’re probably thinking, “My life is busy, I have things to do. Do I really have time to think about blessings?”

Yes, you do, and the holiday season is the perfect time to start! It doesn’t have to take a lot of time but the rewards are great.

Some ideas to consider how you could bring blessings into your own life are:

  • Journaling: Each day I write down in a special notebook three things I am grateful for and blessed with.
  • Flowers: Pick some flowers from your garden and bring them inside, or in the winter buy some. Flowers are such a blessing in our lives.
  • Reach out: Send a card in the mail or email someone and let them know you are thinking about them and that they are a blessing to you.
  • Immerse yourself: Visit your favourite spot in nature and just take it in.
  • Connect: Give someone a big hug and tell them what they mean to you.

These are just a few ways you can acknowledge and count your blessings. I know you will find many other ways that are right for you.

Isn’t Christmas the best time to begin to count your blessings? Do it and see how your life will change. Instantly. You will change your heart, mind and soul. Memories and blessings are the best gift that you can give yourself and others.

Be present. Be aware. Be blessed.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from my home to yours.


About the Author

Sue Pitchforth

Sue Pitchforth of Decor Therapy Plus is an international award-winning designer, media personality and speaker. Sue’s approach to design is refreshing, unique and inexpensive, yet yields luxurious results. Believing the home is an expression of your life and personality, Sue is known for making design easy, fun and affordable. Sue says most people usually have a lot of what they need, they just don’t know it. Her design philosophy always includes the three E’s: edit, energy and enjoy.



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