

Will a multigenerational home work for you?

If you’re thinking about establishing a multigenerational home, you will probably be asking yourself if this is a good decision.

Lagois Design-Build-Renovate has created many happy spaces for families: separate dwellings on the same property, additions and expanded or re-designed areas. All are good solutions for generations living in the same home or on the same property.

However, before you decide on any of these options, you’ll need to consider all the aspects — legal, functional, emotional, physical —  carefully.

There are wonderful stories about families bonding together, sharing household duties, child and elder care, and being able to live in a style and comfort they might not otherwise afford. When it’s a sensible lifestyle for families, professional renovation and architectural design can create a happy, productive life-changing solution.

But there are also families who tried it and realized it just wasn’t right for them. The closeness was too close, personalities clashed, and they needed their independence from each other. When the experience of multigenerational living turns out badly, it can have a difficult, painful, even long-lasting impact. For that reason alone, it’s not something you should decide on quickly.

If you are considering a multigenerational option, you will need to ask some difficult questions. Take notes, make lists and share them with everyone in the family.


First, what about the law and multigenerational living? (Hint: this is why you need professional local renovators to answer these questions, get permits and make sure everything is done correctly.)

For example:

  • Can you make major home improvements in compliance with local bylaws?
  • Can such a renovation be done within setback restrictions?
  • If you’d like to have a detached structure on the same property, is it allowed?
  • What about multiple dwelling units?
  • What about building code compliance, like fire ratings and energy performance?
  • Besides local bylaws, are there specific requirements by conservation authorities (like distances to rivers, lakes and wetlands)?
  • If you have a rural property, are there specific septic requirements (size and clearances to structures)?

Emotions, lifestyle & a multigenerational home

Then there are the emotional questions, and these can sometimes be the toughest. But they’re absolutely critical.

  • Can you live together? What are your personalities, your individual temperaments? How, and how often, do you currently interact? How do you handle crises together? What about the individual physical, mental and emotional needs of each member?
  • How do you feel about privacy? Do you want to share kitchen spaces? Bathrooms? Living and dining areas? Outdoor living? Entrances? What about entertaining? Do you want to do this as a whole family with everyone included, or would you prefer a separate area? How does everyone feel about noise — the noise of children, music, conversation, kitchen clatter? How about pets, and what sort of pets? If there are pets, who will be responsible for them?
  • What about the future? How do you envision changes as people age or get sick; as children get bigger and have completely different needs; if there is conflict among spouses or teens; when children grow up and leave? Will your home be too big then, or will you want the flexibility of changing the space to accommodate returning children and new grandchildren? This is where serious design comes in and using a professional who is masterful at seeing into the future when it comes to designing for flexibility and change.


Before any renovations or improvements to create a multigenerational home, look at the potential impact to your existing home. Things to determine and discuss with your renovation pro:

  • Are the existing electrical and mechanical systems in your home adequate?
  • Are different climate zones required?
  • Do you have any allergies or light sensitivities?
  • Is one-level living critical?

You will need to ask questions of your reno pro, too. Do they have a holistic understanding of your family, your needs, your vision for the future? Are they answering your questions to your satisfaction? Are all appropriate family members part of the process?

All these questions will help you decide whether multigenerational living is for you.

This article was originally published by Lagois Design-Build-Renovate


About the Author

multigenerational living

Francie Healy

Francie Healy is an Ottawa-based editor and writer, publication designer, and publisher. She has written extensively about homes and housing, with a special focus on the Ottawa area, and is a published book author. More about Francie.



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