Successful outdoor painting is about more than just applying paint to exterior surfaces and hoping things look good for a while. Paint application is just the tail end of the process.
If you want results that last and avoid peeling, you need to understand and address three key details before you ever dip brush into paint. Get these right and it can double the length of time your new exterior paint job keeps looking good.
Detail #1: Understand paint choices
Many people believe paint quality is related to paint brand, but this is only part of the truth. The other part is paint chemistry.
While almost all exterior surfaces are painted with latex these days, not all latex paint is the same. The most durable, highest blemish-hiding latex is 100 per cent acrylic in formulation.
Do you believe glossier paints are more durable than flatter sheens? That hasn’t been true for 20-plus years. These days, completely flat paints can be every bit as scrubbable and durable as gloss. Flat paint also looks more stylish and hides imperfections better.
So, which brands will do a good job for you? That’s where something called the Master Painters Institute (MPI) can help.
MPI is a Canadian-based organization that publishes information of interest to professional painters around the world, but their paint recommendations are accessible to anyone online. Their approved paint list includes names and types. Go to for free access to this information.
Detail #2: Colour selection made easier

Paint colours are all about emotion, and feeling happier is the main reason people paint in the first place. The thing is, almost no homeowners have anything more than the most primitive understanding of colour.
The last time most of us had any formal colour education was probably in Kindergarten. A child’s understanding of colour isn’t enough to support decisions an adult needs to make before painting, and this is one reason there’s so much frustration, indecision and bad colour choices in the world.
But there’s also a new family of tools to solve this problem.
Digital colour analyzers work with any smartphone to identify the colours of surrounding surfaces, then make suggestions for technically correct matching colours. Let the sensor “see” the surface and it will generate suggestions for matching and complementary colours using math and colour theory. The best even spit out paint codes so you know exactly what to buy and brands that offer ideal colours.
Detail #3: Take surface prep seriously

In theory, most people have at least a vague sense that surfaces need to be prepared before painting, but that’s no guarantee surface prep actually happens properly. It usually doesn’t, especially when it comes to exterior surfaces of the kind that benefit the most from proper surface prep.
Begin by giving yourself enough time for the work. A patient attitude is a start, but there’s more. You also need to equip yourself with the right kind of tools.
You can’t just go into the garage, grab that old putty knife and expect it will lead to great outdoor surface prep. A proper paint scraper with a replaceable blade is a good start, but don’t stop there. Adding power tools to the job will help enormously.

A six-inch random orbit sander will prove helpful, as well as an auto body grinder fitted with something called a twisted wire wheel. This aggressively removes everything loose from surfaces and it works quickly. Just remember to wear eye and ear protection while you work and hang on tight to the grinder. Wire wheels tend to grab surfaces as you work. You need to let the machine know who’s boss.
Paint makes more difference to the look and feel of your outdoor world than any other single factor. Put a little extra effort into getting the details right and you’ll get the best and longest lasting results.