
About Brigil
Since its creation in 1985 by Gilles Desjardins, Brigil has and continues to make a vital contribution to the local economy. We have built 10,000 homes for people who envision a better lifestyle. Over the years, as we’ve helped entire generations find homes, Brigil communities have become some of the National Capital Region’s most sought-after neighbourhoods. Today, we are focusing on tomorrow’s families.
Our mission
Just like you and your family, we too are growing. Thousands of families trust us with one of their biggest life decisions, which is a source of enormous pride for Brigil Construction. “Proud to build a better quality of life” is not just our motto, it is the backbone of our commitment in helping you benefit from our experience and expertise.
Our vision
The best way for us to achieve and maintain excellence is by listening to you. Brigil strives to be the best by fostering innovation and performance-based relationships with our employees, suppliers and subcontractors.
Brigil communities are built with a wide range of lifestyles in mind. For a firm with a reputation of attracting a large and diverse clientele, the challenge is monumental. As such, Brigil development is meticulously planned to balance respect for our region’s amazing natural setting with 21st-century demands on family, work and leisure.
Thinking long term means paying tremendous attention to beauty, designing the best infrastructure, and using only the finest quality material — every Brigil community is built to stand the test of time.
Giving back
Since 1985, Brigil has given several million dollars to more than 300 organizations in the National Capital Region that support causes related to youth, education, the fight against poverty and medical research. Notably, we’ve signed major partnerships with the Gatineau Health Foundation, the Canadian Cancer Society, the Social Pediatrics Society of Gatineau, the Montfort Hospital, the General Hospital, Centraide Outaouais, La maison Mathieu-Froment-Savoie and La Cité just to name a few.
Also, as a philanthropist, Mr. Gilles Desjardins is personally involved in supporting a number of family aid societies.
Awards and distinctions
Brigil has been honoured with many accolades over the years. Here are just a few:
- 2023 Distinction Prestige Award for 30+ consecutive years of excellence — Association Provinciale Des Constructeurs D'Habitation Du Québec (APCHQ)
- 2020 Top Builder - Outaouais — APCHQ
- 2018 Meritorious Service Decoration
- 2017 Inducted into the Hall of Fame by National Capital RGA
- 2015 Business of the Year, Outaouais Region — Construction Association of Quebec
- 2013 Order of Gatineau, Brigil founder Gilles Desjardins
- 2008-2020 Honoured with the Diamond Master Builder Award 13 times — APCHQ
Brigil on social media
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